My interview was 6 days ago. These past 6 days have gone by pretty fast. I looked online before I interviewed to get an idea of when I'd get an offer letter. Some people said they got their letters the next day, some said 2 days, some said 1 week, some said they had to wait 1 month. I was hoping to be on the shorter end of waiting. February 20 is a Teacher Workday which means no school for us. I don't turn my alarms off because I often forget to turn them back on so I left my alarm on. 5:00AM came and my alarm went off. I turned my alarm off and my lock screen showed that I had 2 emails. I never get emails so I decided to open my phone and see what the emails were. The subject line that woke me up was:
ADEC Offer Letter!! If I wasn't woke from the alarm that subject line woke me up. I quickly read through the email and then attempted to wake up my husband who is my best friend and now my travel partner and told him even though he was sleep. He heard me, woke up, and said, "Well there it is then!" I gave him a hug and immediately called the one person who was waiting on this news a little more than me, My Dad. He had no reason to be up this early but I knew he'd answer my phone call and sure enough he did. I said, "Dad, I got the job!" He said, "For real?" I said, "Yeah, Dad, I got the job!" He said, "I am so happy and proud. Thank you Jesus!" We talked briefly and I told him I'd call him later on in the day. So in a nutshell I get to take my talents to the UAE. That's right, we're moving to the UAE! I am too thrilled to begin this journey and I know it's going to be so rewarding! So, I'm going back to sleep. I wanted to write while my emotions were still running high. 😀 I'll see you all next time. Be Uniquely You and remember to Be kind to one another.'' Part II - Unexpectedly After writing the first part I went back to sleep. A little nugget about me: My Mom died in 2014 and she was my best friend. She was the person I told all of my deepest darkest secrets. She was the one I played with when I had no friends around to play with. She was my biggest supporter! She was in the dream I had when I went back to sleep. Her being in my dream has happened before but for her to be in my dream after getting this news was quite overwhelming. The Dream: I was coming out of this auditorium place and she was in a van in the drivers seat. My Dad was in the passenger seat and my 2 brothers were in the back seat. I came to the window and said, "Dad, I got the job!" He said, "I know you called and told me." I replied, "Yeah, I text my brothers but I don't know why I didn't call Mom. I don't know why I didn't call her." My mom smiled at me and nodded and it was like old times. Often times when she was alive she'd smile at me and just nod her head. I kept asking her why didn't I call you. Did I try to call and your phone wasn't working or was off the hook. Why didn't I call? All she did was smile and nod and it was like she was there in the flesh. Once I woke up and reflected on that dream tears began to fall because even though my number 1 supporter is not physically here she still comes to me in my dreams to let me know she approves. Before she died she told me we shouldn't talk to the dead but today I disobeyed her and said: "Mom, look at me now. I just want to make you proud in all I do. Thanks for visiting and I miss you. Love You, Best Friend!"
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AuthorHi! I'm Unique. Follow along with me as I try unique things and travel the world! Archives
February 2023
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