Who is Unique?
Many years ago, I was a Camp Counselor and I eventually became a Camp Director. For this particular camp, we didn't use our real names so we had to have camp names. I told my mom about this requirement and with absolutely no hesitation she said Unique. She went on to explain that there is nothing ordinary about me and how I think and do things is definitely unique. So from that moment, I've been Unique. I have a true entrepreneurial spirit so there are many different brands under the Unique umbrella.
Unique Does

I have used my unique way of thinking in all facets of my life. For as long as I can remember I have wanted to be a teacher. I thought I wanted to be a Math teacher until my college advisor told me that I had to take Calculus 3, which was wrong information, but I digress. I majored in English and after graduation, I accepted a job as a Middle School English Teacher and never looked back. After 9 years of teaching in North Carolina, it was time for a change. I decided to apply to teach in Abu Dhabi, UAE and that was the best decision ever. This move is what inspired the Unique Does Blog. In this blog, I write about teaching and living abroad. The blog began in 2017 and still chronicles my experiences as an expatriate teacher.
Unique Does Travel

After my husband and I took the big leap of moving abroad our eyes were open to the world. We knew the world was big there was so much world to see but NOW we were able to see it for ourselves. As soon as we started traveling, the teacher in me, wanted to help others see the world too. In 2019, we invited our family to come to Dubai and we offered to show them all that Dubai has to offer. From there, the flame was ignited. I knew I could replicate this not only in my own country of residence but all over the world. From that moment, Unique Does Travel was born. We've had many groups come to Dubai and the next group is coming soon. We'd love for you to join us on a future expedition. Let us help you experience the world in a unique way!
Unique Sews

Before moving abroad I made custom pieces for men and women alike. This hobby was inspired by my love to create. Since I am currently living abroad, I have paused on sewing to focus on being present in this adventure and traveling. I do miss sewing and as soon as we are back in the states, Unique Sews will be bigger and better than ever.
Unique Performing Arts Christian Company

I have always been drawn to performing arts and I believe I have my mother to thank for this. During college, I joined a Dance Ministry. I took this love with me after graduation. For about 9 years, I taught dance at conferences, churches, and choreographed for a Dance Ministry exclusively. The dance company is also taking a break but will return once I'm back in the states.